Hoy hemos recibido en TMT un detalle muy "hippie" del ex-alcalde de Barcelona Joan Clos fruto de su reciente visita a nuestras instalaciones. Seguramente ha sido una buena acción de su gabinete de protocolo pero la verdad es que nos ha sorprendido gratamente esta muestra de humanidad del actual Ministro de Industria.
Algunos dicen que la designación de Clos como Ministro ha sido una "patada hacia arriba" pero realmente ha sorprendido a todos. Lo que no ha sorprendido, por historial, ha sido la gran metedura de pata en su nombramiento como Ministro de "Justicia", Turismo y Comercio (¡Que gran que ets tio!). Irremediablemente Clos será carne de cañón para los lobos de la bancada pepera y no le van a perdonar su pésima retórica pero personalmente prefiero los errores que causan risas a los que causan muertos, prefiero la gamba de Clos a la carnicería de Aznar, prefiero el "sable" de Clinton a las armas de destrucción masiva de Bush y es que tal y como promulgan los demócratas: "No one died when Clinton lied" o lo que seria lo mismo en versión hippie: "Haz el amor y no la guerra". ¡Continúa así de "hippie" Joan!
¿quien es ese oso panda que está al lado de xavi? ¿que le estás mostrando que todos se mean de risa menos él? ¿una foto de la cibeles?
Posted by: amapola | Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 02:37 PM
amb tant politiqueo que portes ultimament al final encara et veurem a tu de ministre! de moment ja estás sempre més ocupat que un ministre!!! a veure si treus temps de la teva superagenda per algún afer "interior" ;-))))
Bon weekend xavi
Posted by: rosae | Friday, September 29, 2006 at 09:22 AM
ets el tio mes chaquetero del món!
Posted by: junco | Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 08:04 AM
Un dia vas dir que amb en miquel sense dir-vos res us ho dieu tot. Ho estas fent tambe ara i aqui? El teu silenci i la teva mirada d'aquest ultims dies ho diuen tot.
Posted by: rosae | Tuesday, October 03, 2006 at 01:18 PM
mha encantat el teu blog, espero saber de tu. Mua
Posted by: eli | Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 02:47 PM
Heukcva good job. I sure appreciate it.
Posted by: Alfiat | Saturday, February 02, 2013 at 01:09 AM
, designers seem to be doing a bteetr job at focusing on the mass market. As we move into smaller spaces we require multi-pupose furniture which can be seen for sale at IKEA and other places. Personalization is high priority too. Everyone wants to make their own statement. But do we know what the center of the home is now? What role do kitchens play? I think there are many answers to those questions as our families and living space needs become more diverse. One challenge as new designers is finding our market. In some ways, there are so many markets that you can choose what you want to make and you can probably find a niche market somewhere. However, you may struggle to make it because the market is too segmented to support designers who only choose one niche.I shared this article with my mom and we discussed how she is interested in how America transitioned from the 3o's to the war to the 50 s. We talked about my grandparents, married in 1950. My mom was puzzled by the talk of large, chromed refrigerators because she remembers the fridges she grew up with and they didn't fit that description. We decided that my grandparents were too poor to follow trends at that point they farmed and were just trying to make it there are no pay raises when you farm. But my mom does remember her mother being frustrated when she was able to purchase appliances. My grandmother was frustrated that in order to get something that didn't break right away, you had to buy up the social ladder' as the article said, meaning that you were paying for a status symbol that you didn't care about just to get something that worked. Before WWII, there were not as many choices when it came to things like washing machines (wringers at that time) and so the question was whether you could afford it, not whether it would work. In the years after this article, we have begun designing things with a shelf life, things designed to break. I have seen my grandma become even more resigned to buying junk, even though she has to pay a lot for it. Unfortunately, I think we have larger issues than aesthetic challenges and reading social status. As designers, we also have to deal with the fact that you used to be able to buy things that worked, assuming you had enough resources. Today, our market has become so used to disposable goods that we will have to fight to make the public understand the cost of value and fight to reestablish the integrity of a brand.I apologize if this post rambles too much I am still trying to digest all of this myself
Posted by: Akira | Saturday, February 02, 2013 at 01:09 AM
HKwvPx jqkwncbnmhvq, [url=http://npvehksuekji.com/]npvehksuekji[/url], [link=http://kyqwuojotvbs.com/]kyqwuojotvbs[/link], http://qkedzjuucvva.com/
Posted by: rgyvmhn | Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 03:45 AM