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Sunday, September 24, 2006


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Un germà pot no ser un amic però un amic serà sempre un germà.


Hola de nuevo megacrack. ¿de quien es la canción del video? ¿tienes la letra completa?. Ruben.


només hi ha una cosa al món imprescindible i irremplaçable....ELS AMICS.
A totes les meves amigues i amics, GRÀCIES...sense vosaltres no seria ni estaria on soc. Gràcies Mik per emocionar-nos i recordar-nos que tenim molta sort per tenir als nostres amics i amigues a prop


Hola Rubén. La triste pero maravillosa canción del video de Mik es de "Antony and the Johnsons". La letra es la siguiente:

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

There's a ghost on the horizon
When I go to bed
How can I fall asleep at night
How will I rest my head

Oh I'm scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don't want to be the one
Left in there, left in there

There's a man on the horizon
Wish that I'd go to bed
If I fall to his feet tonight
Will allow rest my head

So here's hoping I will not drown
Or paralyze in light
And godsend I don't want to go
To the seal's watershed

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, Will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired


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comunque sto gioco mi ha veramente cplioto,nonj solo per la grafica,ma si preannuncia veramente bello da "giocare". far sicuramente successo,ma non capisco una cosa. io compro NRU da una vita,e mi sono accorto che sulla rivista non hanno mai parlato di the conduit,ne sui mostwanted,se comprate anche voi NRU ve ne sarete accorti,secondo voi perch ?


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