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Monday, October 23, 2006


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Seguí la LUZ y te perdí, desde ese día rezaré para que vuelvas envuelto en tu bruma.


Suerte tiene la arquitecta de que existan debotos como tu porque lo que son los encofradores seguro que la odian a muerte


On està la llum???????? la necessito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Del programa de la setmana e-week al taller "El Procés de producció d'una intranet orientada al treball", i del taller al blog! Uff! quin viatge!!! espero poder assistir al taller jq m'interessa moltíssim!!

Felicitats pel blog Xevi, molt xulo!! i endevant!


That was an interesting exenpirece and I learned a lot from it. I think that having the 140 ch. limit of twitter does a lot to keep the conversation really focused. You have to be clear and make your point in as few words as possible, and that really makes you think carefully about your responses! Thanks for hosting it.


It's good to see someone thinking it trohugh.

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