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Tuesday, December 12, 2006


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Srs. Verdaguer & Ceccaroni: s'ha acabat la pizza!!! la propera vegada que us quedeu per la nit us portaré canalons de la terra (traquil luigi que serán d'espinaques i no de carn). Descanseu.


De fet aquesta nit hem cambiat la pizza per un magnífic panetone que el Diego i l'Ari ens havien deixat, també ens hem zampat les galetes de la Irene (era qüestió de subsistència), de totes maneres els canelons seran molt ben acollits la propera vegada.

Pablo Portillo

Tíos, sois unos cracks, alucino con todo lo que haceis pero si no os cuidais un poco todo vuestro talento acabará pronto en la tumba! Descansad un poco !!!! pablo


- hey beckoh, i shloud not have read your blog today! i was just doing some catch up clicked over to natalie norton's site and balled like a baby! her words, strength, faith, and wisdom are absoultely breathtaking. and your words, wisdom, funnies, and realism hit home to me! love ya. kimmie (horne)February 10, 2010 2:15 PM


ای میلی که فرستادند این بود:This refers to your apcolpatiin for permanent residence in Canada. Please return this form with the requested documents:- Updated police clearance from Iran.- Updated Proof of funds (bank statements & transaction history)- Updated letter of employment.- Please submit a written statement indicating any changes since July, 2009 for you in: * Personal history (employment, education, membership or association with organizations, government positions) * Addresses * Marital status * Family composition * Please indicate all travels done since July, 2009 (dates, purpose of trip, countries visited)- Since July, 2009, if you have resided in any country outside of Iran for more than 6 months, please submit original police certificate from that country.- Properly completed Additional Family information form (missing signature: section A & B)- Your personal history (from Sep 2000 to May 2003)Please gather all requirements and submit ALL requested documents at the same time, in a single package. Do not submit documents one by one. Only send ORIGINAL documents when requested. All documents, in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by original certified translations into English or French, except the passports. If you are requested to submit a Police Certificate (see above), please send the original police certificate and the certified translation.Please be notified that if you do not comply with this request within 60 days of the date of this letter, your apcolpatiin for permanent residence in Canada will be assessed on the basis of the information already before the officer. Failure to provide the requested documents could result in the refusal of your apcolpatiin.Unless you live in Lebanon, your file is being processed in Damascus. No representations, faxes, telephone calls or correspondence can or will be answered by other Canadian Embassies; all inquires must be sent directly to the visa office in Damascus. Do NOT send your documents to any other visa office.Please quote your file number, as well as your telephone & fax numbers on all correspondence and on every document you send to us.Sincerely,

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