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Saturday, April 21, 2007


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Carlos Jose Lopez Vecchionacce

Excelente Xavier, dicen que el que siembra recogerá frutos, es un verdadero honor y una experiencia enriquecedora el formar parte de la realizacion de este sueño y de este maravilloso grupo de trabajo. ENHORABUENA y como decimos en Venezuela que !!! CHEVERE !!!


Carlos, el honor es mío (y quizá también la suerte) de contar con gente tan buena y tan buena gente como tú. Gracias por la implicación que demuestras día a día a pesar de la dureza de las expediciones... (espero que algún día destinos como Málaga o Mallorca sean verdaderamente turísticos para ti).

Un abrazo "VALE"



Semáforo verde significa via libre. Sigue adelante xavi en lo profesional y en lo personal. No dejes que la envidia de algunos te detenga. Tu eres el único amo de tus sueños.


Estoy hecha una vaca.

(Un toro gay)


hehehe so cute!When I was a kid I was rhotacistic, menanig I had problem with my R's I always replaced them with L's. I remember my elders trying to teach me to say Ular properly They kept saying Ularrrrrr and "ulalllllllll" it sounded very right to me but they kept repeating ularrrrrrr not ulallllllll!! For some reason I tot both sounded the same hahahaha a lot of my cousins have some kind of speech disorder when they were kids, but they all grew up to be very intelligent students as opposed to my other talkative and non-speech disorder cousins , they grew up to be well, talkative.


Katje, these are absolutely gogeuors! Usually, Milena looks like a (very cute) deer caught in the headlights in photographs, but you've managed to capture all her natural expressions and personality. It was also really lovely to have you at the party. We barely knew you were doing anything except being a charming and welcome guest! We can't wait to see and show off the rest of the photos.

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