Hace algo más de mil años apareció de la nada un tal Victoriano y nos regaló un cuaderno que nos unió de manera muy especial, recuerdo muy bien esa soleada tarde de primavera, de la misma manera que recordaré para siempre la primavera de hoy en la que, mil años después, reapareció Victoriano con un nuevo cuaderno lleno de futuro.
Victoriano, te deseo la mejor de las suertes y espero que nuestros caminos se vuelvan a cruzar varias veces en los próximos mil años.
Posted by: FLOR | Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 07:42 AM
Eres la única mujer de mi vida.
Posted by: coyote | Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 09:25 AM
No perdais vuestro tiempo ni en lorar el pasado ni en llorar el porvenir. Vivid vuestras horas, vuestros minutos. Las alegrías son como flores que la lluvia mancha y el viento deshoja
Posted by: aura | Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 01:47 PM
mol maca la flor pero avui toca la rosa
Posted by: rosae | Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 11:48 PM
"...espero que nos sigamos encontrando en cada esquina de esta ciudad, por esas 'casualidades' de la vida. Cuando te ausentas, en las calles queda un agujero con tu forma..."
Posted by: sil | Monday, April 23, 2007 at 07:33 AM
Tim,The political left may have a tough time doing that, being agnisat firearms and all that. Not entirely sure which freedoms you believe he has taken away. Proroging is a constitutional and legal act; as constitutional and legal as forming a coalition in a minority parliament.Whether or not they are seen as legitimate by the electorate is something else entirely. I am not sure either is going over very well. Personally, I was hoping they would face the house, lose the vote, and head to an election to let the people have the final say on what they want . I guess we will just have to wait and see now.
Posted by: Riley | Tuesday, September 04, 2012 at 05:13 PM
What is stopping Harper from proougring again ?Well, the Governor General, for one. She can just refuse the request next time, or the time after, or whenever she decides that enough is enough.I'm more afraid that we're going to have an election shortly after the prorogue ends, which will result in another Conservative Minority and another Coalition. No matter how that ends, we've wasted a bunch of time and money.
Posted by: Crystal | Tuesday, September 04, 2012 at 10:10 PM
Yes, this pretty well rceelfts my own thoughts. I was taken aback by the unpleasant things you have to do, for such a non-compelling reason, in a game set ostensibly in the real world. If April had been conceived as a comedy, going to such lengths to get served at the table might have worked better. As it is, you seem to be invited to act nastily and then enjoy your triumph over the uppity foreigner. That left a bad taste despite the solid game craft.
Posted by: Naveen | Thursday, September 06, 2012 at 08:10 PM