Esto es America chicos! Aquí todo es Amazing y Awesome! Y ciertamente hoy ha sido un día así: Amazing y Awesome. Hoy hemos tenido el honor de ser invitados por Noe y Jose Luis a ver en directo la ecografia 4D que desvelaba el sexo del bebé que están esperando. Así que nos hemos juntado en un "minicine" de Mountain View (donde casualmente están los headquarters de Google) para asistir a una emocionante eco 4D que nos ha permitido ver por primera vez en acción a...... ¡¡¡Ariadna!!!. Si, si, es una niña! una preciosa niña!!!
No han faltado las apuestas, las palomitas e incluso las gafas 3D para ver las 4 inches de Ariadna en una gran pantalla de 4 metros. Ha sido muy divertido y al mismo tiempo muy emocionante. Mil gracias Noe y Jose Luis por haber compartido con nosotros este momento tan especial en vuestras vidas. Y muchas gracias Ariadna por pintar esa sonrisa de felicidad en los rostros de tus padres. Bienvenida a America Ariadna, you’re Amazing y Awesome!!!
This is America guys! Everything is Amazing and Awesome! And certainly today was one of those days: Amazing and Awesome. Today we had the honor of being invited by Jose Luis & Noe to see a real time 4D ultrasound that revealed the sex of the baby they are expecting. So we sat in a mini cinema in Mountain View (which happens to be the headquarters of Google) to attend an exciting movie in 4D which allowed us to see in action for the first time..... Ariadna!. Yes, yes, it's a girl! a beautiful girl!
There has been betting, popcorn and even 3D glasses to see Ariadna only 4 inches long on a 4 meter screen. It was very funny and also very, very exciting. Thank you Jose Luis and Noe for sharing with us this special moment in your lives. And thank you very much Ariadna for putting that smile of happiness on the faces of your very special parents. Welcome to America Ariadna, you're Amazing and Awesome!
No han faltado las apuestas, las palomitas e incluso las gafas 3D para ver las 4 inches de Ariadna en una gran pantalla de 4 metros. Ha sido muy divertido y al mismo tiempo muy emocionante. Mil gracias Noe y Jose Luis por haber compartido con nosotros este momento tan especial en vuestras vidas. Y muchas gracias Ariadna por pintar esa sonrisa de felicidad en los rostros de tus padres. Bienvenida a America Ariadna, you’re Amazing y Awesome!!!
This is America guys! Everything is Amazing and Awesome! And certainly today was one of those days: Amazing and Awesome. Today we had the honor of being invited by Jose Luis & Noe to see a real time 4D ultrasound that revealed the sex of the baby they are expecting. So we sat in a mini cinema in Mountain View (which happens to be the headquarters of Google) to attend an exciting movie in 4D which allowed us to see in action for the first time..... Ariadna!. Yes, yes, it's a girl! a beautiful girl!
There has been betting, popcorn and even 3D glasses to see Ariadna only 4 inches long on a 4 meter screen. It was very funny and also very, very exciting. Thank you Jose Luis and Noe for sharing with us this special moment in your lives. And thank you very much Ariadna for putting that smile of happiness on the faces of your very special parents. Welcome to America Ariadna, you're Amazing and Awesome!