Ja hi tornem a ser!! Aquest divendres presentarem una nova edició d'Imagine Silicon Valley, i ho farem en un marc increíble, La Llotja de Mar de Barcelona i amb convidats d'autèntic luxe! Neil Harbisson, Berta Vicente, Juan Barbed. I can't wait!!!
Volvemos a la carga!! Este próximo viernes presentamos una nueva edición de Imagine Silicon Valley, y lo haremos en un marco increíble, La Llotja de Mar de Barcelona y con invitados de auténtico lujo! Neil Harbisson, Berta Vicente,Juan Barbed. I can't wait!!!
Happy to start my activity as an investor with the best traveling colleagues. Lanta Digital Ventures, an investment fund for entrepreneurs from entrepreneurs.
Feliç d'iniciar la meva activitat com a inversor de la ma dels millors companys de viatge. Lanta Digital Ventures, un fons d'inversió d'emprenedors per a emprenedors.
Feliz de iniciar mi actividad como inversor de la mano de los mejores compañeros de viaje. Lanta Digital Ventures, un fondo de inversión de emprendedores para emprendedores.
Luis Montes de Oca has won the contest to become dreamer #12 of Imagine.
The prize of this contest includes one month of training in the Silicon Valley of California.
Luis Montes de Oca, an entrepreneur from Cadiz and now based in Barcelona, will travel to San Francisco with all expenses paid to participate through the month of July in the Imagine Creativity Silicon Valley 2013 program. Luis will have the opportunity to visit the most innovative companies and universities in the world (Google, Cisco, Stanford, etc..) and receive training from international experts on innovation and creativity.
In the contest that Luis has won, which was based on sending a creative video presentation, a total of 446 candidates participated of which 14 finalists were selected. These 14 finalists have been competing for two weeks which has ended with the following result.
1st position – Luis Montes de Oca (41 points)
2nd position – Anna Sala (35 points)
3rd position – Sara Molina (34 points)
The points, out of a possible maximum of 50, where granted by a panel of experts, Imagine staff, participants of past editions, personal interviews and votes (“likes”) achieved through the Imagine Facebook page. (See contest rules and jury.)
The organization of Imagine would like to acknowledge the participation of the 446 candidates to the contest and particularly the 14 finalists who have held extraordinary campaigns to win votes. Some of the finalists getting than 3,000 votes in their videos! The organization would also like to thank all the members of the jury and the thousands of people who have voted for any of the candidatures.
Here the video Luis Montes de Oca presented to the contest:
During the next few days, we will announce the winners of the competitions organized by Everis, PWC, EADA, Inlea Foundation, Campus Creativity and PCTT, who will accompany Luis Montes de Oca to Silicon Valley Imagine 2013 program. The official presentation of the 12 participants of this third edition of Imagine will be held on June 14th in Barcelona. See invitation here >>
About Imagine:
IMAGINE is a Creativity Center in California’s Silicon Valley for the generation of ideas with the aim to change the world and to change the lives of the people who participate in the program. The third edition of IMAGINE will be launched on Friday June 14th in Barcelona with the company of the 12 participants. These participants are winners of various creativity contests . The program will culminate with a public presentation of the ideas generated next July 29th in San Francisco.