Last night Bloomberg Philanthropies announced the winners in its 2014 Mayors Challenge, an ideas competition that encourages cities to generate innovative ideas that solve major challenges and improve city life – and that have the potential to spread to other cities.
More than 150 top cities from 28 nations entered the 2014 Mayors Challenge. The winning cities were selected based on four criteria: their idea’s vision and creativity, potential for impact, transferability, and viability of implementation. Their evolving ideas reflect a diverse array of complex and common challenges facing cities today.
We are very excited to be able to share with all of you the great news that Barcelona will receive the Mayors Challenge Grand Prize for Innovation and €5 million toward its proposal to create a digital and community ‘trust network’ for each of its at-risk elderly residents: Vincles.

Imagine has been involved with this project for the past months, first in Imagine Express 2014 and later in Imagine Silicon Valley 2014. The Imagine staff would like to congratulate all the dreamers who have been involved in this project for their amazing work and commitment. Imagine Silicon Valley 2014 dreamers: Jordi Tolrà, Fernando García and Luis Manuel Perez and Imagine Express 2014 dreamers Josep Mária Miró, Pablo Niñoles, Jordi Picas.
During the month of July the Imagine SV 2014 dreamers developed a first functional prototype of the project that was presented in a public event in San Francisco on the 29th of July. Here the video of the presentation:
Vincles at Imagine Silicon Valley 2014 final event from Imagine on Vimeo.